Coupon Codes
We frequently offer special discounts and provide Creekwood Naturals coupon codes to customers who either have a large audience or a unique situation. If that is you please reach out using our contact form and we will discuss this with you.
How Can I Get a Discount?
The best way is to sign up for our mailing list!
Let me take the time to explain a few things. First off we do not have some fancy automated spammy marketing funnel and only occasionally send out messages. Second, nowadays mailing lists work best when they ONLY include truly interested customers. Third, we do not share your information with anyone -that's for the big guys to do. If you get a message it's because the owner John spent the time writing it out and manually sending it to you. Last, you can unsubscribe at anytime. We really don't want to send you messages you don't want to receive.
Where Else Are Discounts Found?
Either shown on the top red banner, through a pop up box or sometimes discounts are applied automatically!
Please feel free to reach out if you feel like you've missed out on a coupon code or special savings!
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